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聂珍钊 教授 广东外语外贸大学

Prof. Zhenzhao Nie, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Nie Zhenzhao is currently a full-time Professor of Literature and Yunshan Chair of World Language and Literature at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, where he is affiliated with the Faculty of English Language and Culture. Previously he was a Distinguished Professor of Literature and founding director of the university-chartered Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of World Literature at Zhejiang University. Nie’s scholarly interests range across a broad swatch of fields, including ethical literary criticism, literary theory, poetry and poetics, and translation, and he is an elected foreign member of the Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe).

A recipient of Central Government of China’s Special Stipend and the British Academy K.C. Wong Fellowship, Nie is designated by Elsevier as a Most Cited Chinese Researcher, and is named to Stanford University’s annual list of the world’s top 2 percent most-cited scientists, for both career-long and single-year impacts. His scholarly contributions have been recognized by numerous distinctions in China, including four triennial Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Awards, and selection of his monograph to the National Humanities and Social Sciences Collection.

Internationally Nie’s academic works are featured and celebrated by commentary and review articles appeared from Times Literary Supplement to Comparative Literature Studies (Penn State), and special theme issues of prestigious learned journals such as arcadia, CLCWeb, Kritika Kultura, etc. Most recently, he was invited to contribute a scholarly article for the invitation-only Centennial Issue of the Philippines-based UNITAS, Asia’s oldest literary journal in continuous existence.

Nie served as Vice President of the Chinese Foreign Literature Association between 2004 and 2021, and has been a Vice President of the UPenn-based Chinese/American Association of Poetry and Poetics since 2009. In 2021 he was elected President of the International Association of Ethical Literary Criticism.

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