
姓名 潘莉 性别
职称 教授 所在部门 高级翻译系
职务 翻译与国际传播研究中心主任 研究方向 视听翻译、新媒体翻译、多模态翻译、时政话
个人主页 玄忆书斋(公众号) 办公室
办公电话 邮箱 200210257@oamail.gdufs.edu.cn


2007.9-2013.3  澳门大学社会科学与人文学院英文系,语言学专业,获语言学(翻译方向)博士学位
1999.9-2002.7  中山大学外国语学院,英语语言文学专业,获文学硕士(翻译方向)学位
1997.7-1999.9  华南师范大学外国语系,英语教育专业,获英语教育学士学位

2015-至今  广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院,教授
2014-2015  英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心,访问学者
2012-2014  广东外语外贸大学英文学院翻译系,讲师
2005-2007  广东外语外贸大学英文学院翻译系,讲师
2002-2005  广东外语外贸大学英文学院翻译系,助教


(1)2020-2022  广外《媒体翻译》课程实践性教学(新媒体新闻语篇编译实践教学;新媒体旅游外宣语篇译写实践教学;双语短视频制作、翻译与传播实践教学)(授课时间:春季学期、秋季学期)
(2)2021-2022  广外《影视翻译》课程实践性教学(微电影、短视频策划、制作、翻译、传播教学)(授课时间:秋季学期)
(3)2021  广外新媒体视听译制工作坊(中国故事、中国文化双语短视频制作与翻译传播实践教学)(授课时间:实践周前后两周)
(4)2022  广外新媒体译制与译写工作坊(中国文化和中国故事的双语短视频制作与翻译传播实践教学;中国企事业机构简介的新媒体译写与传播实践教学)(授课时间:实践周)
(5)2022  广东广播电视台国际频道“二十四食者”视频稿件翻译实践教学 (实习实践教学指导)

(5)广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“粤港澳政府网站多模态翻译批评研究”(2017XM20279 -0731) 排名第一
(6)澳门科学技术发展基金项目(澳门政府资助)“Translation for the Media(媒体翻译研究)”(RG038/08-09S/ZMF/FSH) 排名第二
(7)澳门科学技术发展基金项目(澳门政府资助)项目“A Study of Text Types, Text Functions and Translation Strategies (文本类型、功能和翻译策略研究)” (RG060/04-05S/ZMF/FSH) 排名第二
(10)主持广东省人文社会科学重点研究基地广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心基地项目 “应用翻译多模态教学实证研究”(CIS201506)
(14)主持广东外语外贸大学师生共研创新项目“融通中外”理念下政治新奇隐喻外译策略和接受实证研究 (18SS16)

(1)潘莉.《新媒体翻译与传播》,北京:知识产权出版社,2022. (待出版)
(3)Pan, Li, Xiaoping Wu, Tian Luo and Hong Qian. Multimodality in Translation Studies: Digital media, Models, and Trends in China. London: Routledge, upcoming in 2023.

(1)Pan, Li. Economic and Social Affairs (《经济与社会生活》), 汉译英. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2021.
(2)Pan, Li and Moratto, R. History of China (《中国历史》), 汉译英. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2021.
(3)Pan, Li. World History (《世界历史》), 汉译英. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2021.
(4)潘莉. 《译有所为:功能途径阐释》 Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained (English to Chinese; Chapter 5-6) (10,000字左右). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
(5)潘莉.《世界历史百科全书-少年版》(P136-166; 约23,000英文单词). 福建:福建儿童出版社,2002. [The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Publication Plc, 1999; Teenage Edition, World History Encyclopedia). Fuzhou: Fujian Children Press, 2002. P136-166, about 23,000 words.]
(6)Pan, Li. Video textbooks for Open University of Hong Kong, Book I, 2003.
(7)Pan, Li. Video textbooks for Open University of Hong Kong, Book II, 2003.
(8)潘莉. 《二十四食者》系列部分视频节目稿件英文译审. 广东广播电视片国际频道触电新闻,2022
(9)Pan, Li. 藏博会专家演讲稿. 2015年.
(10)Pan, Li. 澳门大学校长办公室文件,英汉翻译、汉英翻译. 2010年.

(1)Pan, Li, and Sixin Liao. News translation of reported conflicts: A corpus-based account of positioning. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 2020, 29(5), 722-739, (A&HCI; SSCI). DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2020.1792519
(2)Liao, Sixin and Li Pan (corresponding author). Interpreter mediation at political press conferences. Interpreting, 2018, 20(2). (A&HCI; SSCI)
(3)Pan, Li. Ideological positioning in news translation: A case study of evaluative resources in reports on China. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 2015, 27(2), 215-237.  (A&HCI; SSCI).
(4)Pan, Li. Multimodality and contextualisation in advertisement translation: A case study of billboards in Hong Kong. Journal of Specialized Translation, 2015, (23), 205-222. (A&HCI; SSCI).
(5)Pan, Li. Investigating institutional practice in news translation: An empirical study of a Chinese agency translating discourse on China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2014, 22(4), 547-565. DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2014.948888. (A&HCI; SSCI).
(6)Zhang, Meifang and Li Pan (corresponding author). Introducing a Chinese perspective on translation shifts: A comparative study of shift models by Loh and Vinay & Darbelnet. The Translator, 2009, 15(2), 351-374. (A&HCI; SSCI)
(7)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. News Framing Through English-Chinese Translation: A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Media Discourse, Nancy Xiuzhi Liu (2019). Journal of Specialised Translation. 2021(36): 360-366. (A&HCI; SSCI)
(8)Chen, Shujun and Li Pan (corresponding author). Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation, Defeng Li, Victoria Lai Cheng Lei, Yuanjian He (2019). Language and Cognition, 2021. (SSCI)
(9)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. Language, Media and Culture: The Key Concept, Montgomery, Martin (2018). Babel: International Journal of Translation, 2019, 65(3), 465-470. (A&HCI; SSCI)
(10)Pan, Li and Qing Zhou. Humour in Audiovisual Translation: Theories and Applications, Margherita Dore (2019). Translation and Interpreting: The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research, 2021, 13(2), 187-190. DOI: 10.12807/ti.113202.2021.r02
(11)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. Recontextualizing political discourse in news discourse: A case study of the Chinese president’s metaphors in English reports. In Nancy X. Liu, Candace Veecock & Shixin Ivy Zhang (eds.), Chinese News Discourse: Perspectives from Communications Linguistics, Translation and Pedagogy. London: Routledge, 2021, 65-83.
(12)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. Stance mediation in media translation of political speech: An analytical model of appraisal and framing in news discourse. In Binhua Wang and Jeremy Munday (eds.), Advances in Discourse Analysis of Translation and Interpreting. London: Routledge, 2020, 131-149.
(13)Pan, Li. The politics in conflict translation: Representing the Tibet conflicts in the Chinese translation of Western news reports. In M. Albakry (ed.), Translation and the Intersection of Texts, Contexts and Politics: the Historical and Social-cultural Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 208-223.
(14)Pan, Li. Mediation in news translation: A critical analytical framework. In Dror Abend-David (ed.), Media and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach. New York: Continuum Publishing Corporation, 2014, 246-265.
(15)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. Recontextualizing political metaphor for international communication: A case study of English media translation of Chinese diplomatic metaphor. Translation Quarterly (Hong Kong), 103, 2022, upcoming.
(16)Pan, Li, Chuxin Huang, and Jinying Li. Mediation and reception of political metaphor in media discourse: A case study of President Xi’s most quoted anti-corruption metaphor. Translation Quarterly (Hong Kong), 94, 2019, (12), 19-44.
(17)Pan, Li. Foreignized or domesticated: Investigating translation for enhancing artistic dialogue. Journal of Universal Language, 2011, 12 (1), 111-156.
(18)Pan, Li. News translation from the perspective of discourse analysis: A case study of Chinese translation of news reports related to China on American media. In The Academic Forum of Postgraduate Students of Guangdong Province 2009 Proceedings. Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Press, 2009, 452-461.
(19)Pan, Li. Exploring new guidelines and methods for advertisement translation. In Translation and Cultural Diversity: XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings (I). Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2008, 441-446.
(20)潘莉, 黄楚欣. 信息价值优先原则下的纪实短视频英译策略初探. 《解放军外国语学院学报》, 2022, under review.
(21)陈曦, 潘韩婷, 潘莉. 翻译研究的多模态转向:现状与展望. 《外语学刊》, 2020, (2): 80-87.
(22)潘莉. 从语篇分析看译者的立场: 基于语料库和新闻翻译机构调查的实证研究. 《翻译季刊》(香港)82, 2016, (12), 73-92.
(23)潘莉. 文化失衡与艺术文本翻译策略研究: 基于香港艺术节推介文本的分析调查.《翻译季刊》(香港), 75, 2014, (6), 86-109.
(24)潘莉. 从关联理论角度解读广告翻译中的变通.《山东外语教学》, 2003.
(25)潘莉. 关联语境下的翻译研究. 香港《翻译季刊》, 2002, (23).
(26)潘莉. 求同存异. 《翻译学刊》(香港中文大学), 2001, (6).
(27)潘莉. 从跨文化角度看喻语的翻译. 《外语与外语教学》, 2001.
(28)潘莉. 口语教学模拟辩论法之新探.《国外外语教学》, 2001, (2).
(29)Pan, Li. Subtitling novel metaphors in romances: A case study of the Chinese subtitles of an Oscar winner from the perspective of multimodality. The 2019 Asia-Pacific Translators and Interpreters Forum (APTIF9), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, 5-7 July, 2019.
(30)Pan, Li. Contextualizing political discourse in news translation: A case study of Chinese political metaphors in English reports. News Discourse and Translation, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 20-21 June, 2019.
(31)Pan, Li and Chuxin Huang. Stance mediation in media translation of political speech: A comparative discourse analysis of Chinese and Anglo-American media’s framing of the Chinese President’s political metaphors. Translating and Interpreting Political Discourse (TIPD 2019), Hong Kong Baptist University, 19-20 June, 2019.
(32)Pan, Li and Wanyao Zhang. Chinese media’s translation of the metaphors in Xi Jinping’s economic speeches: From the perspectives of Critical Discourse Analysis. Translating and Interpreting Political Discourse (TIPD 2019), Hong Kong Baptist University, 19-20 June, 2019.
(33)Pan, Li and Wanyao Zhang. Translation of political metaphor and reproduction of presidential charisma: A case study of the Chinese media’s translation of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption speeches. International Corpus Linguistics Conference 2019, Cardiff University, Wales, 22-26 July, 2019.
(34)Pan, Li. Intervention and positioning in news translation: A corpus and survey based discourse analysis model. The 6th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 3-6 July, 2018.
(35)Pan, Li. Institutional practice of a news translating institution: An empirical survey of a Chinese newspaper translating news. The 5th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July, 2015.
(36)Pan, Li. Recontextualization of Western representation of China: A case study of translated news reports on the Lhasa riots. Invited keynote speech. The 1st PolySytemic Symposium on Translation, Interpreting and Text Analysis, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 26-27 April, 2012.
(37)Pan, Li. Western representation of China and recontextualization in the Chinese media: A case study of categorization in translations of China-related reports. The Fourth International Conference on New Discourses in Contemporary China, Guangzhou, April, 2012.
(38)Pan, Li. Institutional practice of a news translating institution: An empirical survey of a Chinese newspaper translating news. The 5th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July, 2015.
(39)Pan, Li. Recontextualization of Western representation of China: A case study of translated news reports on the Lhasa riots. Invited Keynote Speech. The 1st PolySytemic Symposium on Translation, Interpreting and Text Analysis, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 26-27 April, 2012.
(40)Pan, Li. Labeling as a reframing strategy in journalistic translation. FIT Sixth Asian Translators' Forum: Translation and Intercultural Communication: Past, Present and Future, Macao, China, 6-8 Nov., 2010.
(41)Pan, Li. Translations revealing cultural disparity: A case study of promotional texts for performing arts in Hong Kong. The 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-10 July, 2009.
(42)Pan, Li. Evaluative resources and attitudinal meanings in news translation: a case study of internet English news translated for a Chinese newspaper. The 2nd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao and Urumqi, China, 18-24 June, 2009.
(43)Pan, Li. A study of attitudes reflected in bilingual versions of thesis abstracts. The Conference on Translation, Language Contact, and Multilingual Communication, Hong Kong, China, 13–15 August, 2008.  
(44)Liao, Sixin and Li Pan. Interpreter’s mediation at political press conferences: a narrative account. The International ARTIS@shanghai2016: Narrative Theory in Translation Studies. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 25-27 March, 2016.
(45)Pan, Li. The application of the RT notion of context in the translation of discourse of ironic narration. Chinese Academic Forum (Hong Kong), 2004, (7).
(46)Pan, Li. The application of RT notion of context in the translation of advertisement. The 1st Pearl River Delta English Studies Graduate Student Conference, Macao, China, 18-20 June, 2004.  
(47)Pan, Li. An account of the culture image shifting in trademark translation in the RT framework. Forum on Translating for Culture and Tourism, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China, 15-18 July, 2004.
(48)Pan, Li. RT context and translating brand names. The 4th Forum on Chinese Translation, Nanjing, China, 24-26 July, 2004.
(49)Pan, Li. The application of the RT notion of context in the translation of discourse of ironic narration. The International Conference on Discourse & Translation, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 24-26 July, 2002.
(50)Pan, Li. An account of translation of advertisement in the framework of relevance theory. The 2002 Forum on Chinese Translation, Shanghai, China, 12-15 July, 2002.
(51)Pan, Li. Translation studies in the perspective of relevance theory. FIT-Third Asian Translators’ Forum, Hong Kong, 6-8 Dec, 2001.
(52)潘莉. 国际传播视阈下的短视频英译原则与策略研究.主旨发言. 新媒体翻译研究国际学术论坛. 武汉:华中农业大学, 6月18日, 2021.
(53)潘莉. 新媒体译制传播“中国故事”的理念策略与实践路径. 大会发言. 影视译制与传播高峰论坛暨中广联合会会影视译制与传播委员2021年年会. 北京: 中广联合会影视译制与传播委员会, 11月21日, 2021.
(54)潘莉. 政治隐喻转述翻译的多维度语篇分析.大会发言. 第17届功能语言学学术研讨会. 潮州:广东韩山师范学院,10月29-31日, 2021.
(55)潘莉. 国别区域研究人才培养视阈下的中国故事翻译传播训练机制研究. 高校国别和区域研究人才培养院系联盟第三届年会(2021). 珠海:中山大学, 10月22-24日, 2021.
(56)潘莉 黄楚欣. Recontextualizing political speeches in media translation: A case study of Chinese political metaphors in English reports. 澳门大学翻译研究论坛. 澳门:澳门大学, 11月27-28日, 2021.
(57)潘莉. 对外翻译与国际传播: 讲好“中国故事”的策略与路径探析.大会发言. 第六届21世纪海上丝绸之路国际智库论坛. 广州:广东外语外贸大学, 11月12日, 2021.
(58)潘莉 黄楚欣. 国际传播视阈下的政治隐喻翻译重构研究. 2021年翻译传播国际学术研讨会. 长沙: 湖南师范大学, 6月4-6日, 2021.
(59)潘莉. 认知语用视角下的新奇隐喻翻译语境化研究. 新起点翻译传译认知国际研讨会暨中国翻译认知研究会第八届大会. 长沙:湖南第一师范学院外国语学院, 9月17-19日, 2021.
(60)潘莉. Mediation of political speeches in media translation: Discourse analysis of quotation and evaluation of Chinese political metaphor in English reports. 功能途径翻译研究学术论坛. 大会发言. 珠海:中山大学, 11月6日, 2020.
(61)潘莉. Discourse analysis of the translator’s stance mediation in news translation. Invited Keynote Speech (主旨发言),适用语言学与翻译研究国际会议,上海,上海交通大学,2017年7月16-19日.
(62)潘莉. 高校翻译教学多媒体多模态模式现状研究. 第三届岭南翻译教学与研究学术研讨会, 广州, 2015年11月27-28日.
(63)潘莉. 影视汉英翻译的文本类型研究及功能视角.“中译外——中国走向世界之路”高层论坛, 中国外文局、中国翻译协会, 北京, 2007年4月6-7日.


国际顶级翻译期刊Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice(SSCI; A&HCI)编委
国际顶级学术期刊Target (SSCI), Perspectives (SSCI), Translation and Interpreting Studies (SSCI), Discourse, context and media (SSCI), Language and Intercultural Communication Journal (SSCI) 等评审专家

2020年  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖
2019年  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖
2018年  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖
2015年  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖
2014年  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩二等奖
2014年  广东外语外贸大学国际学院教学二等奖
2006年  广东外语外贸大学英文学院教学三等奖
2005年  广东外语外贸大学英文学院教学三等奖
