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张欣 教授 广东外语外贸大学

Prof. Xin Zhang, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

TitleRevisiting the Narrative Strategies and Ethics in M. Butterfly


AbstractM. Butterfly (1988) by Chinese American playwright Henry David Hwang is inspired by a 1986 diplomatic incident of a years-long affair, beginning in the mid-1960s, between a French Embassy employee, Bernard Boursicot, and a Peking opera singer, Peipu Shi, and is represented by borrowing the frame from Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. Hwang’s explicit intention to subvert the Orientalist stereotypical images of Chinese (Asian) Americans imposed by the phallocentric discourse hegemony is highlighted by such dramatic strategies as crossdressing, twist and reversal, and at the same time, backfired for its reinforcing the stereotypes and even further demonizing the Chinese (Asian) American images. The fact that the commercial success of the play became Hwang’s ticket into the Asian-American exclusive Broadway has further aggravated the negative criticism.

A non-docudrama, M. Butterfly maximizes aspects in the real diplomatic incident to complicate the dramatic creation in a deconstructive way against the orientalist narration diffused in the American mainstream mentality, and more strongly, manifests the silenced point of view and experience in the relationship, whether it is of Cho-Cho-San, of Peipu Shi or of Song. Therefore, the strong voice of the unreliable narrator Gallimard orients himself as a trusting, idealistic, misinformed and generous dupe in the overt plot, while the covert narrative progression, composed of ambiguous dramatic dialogues scattered in the play, transforms the victim to the real controller, and further reveals the dilemma of expressing Chinese (Asian) minority identity within systems of Eurocentric discourse. The dual narrative dynamics of the play supplement each other to reflect on and metaphorize the discursive construction of Western hegemony of the typical Cold War style.


Bio:Xin Zhang is Professor of English and Dean of Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. She serves as the Vice President of China English Language Education Association (CELEA), the Vice-Chairman of the Division of Drama Studies, Chinese Association for the Comparative Study of Language and Culture, and Chairman of the Provincial Supervisory Committee for Undergraduate Programs in English of Guangdong Province. Her research interests span drama studies, ethical literary criticism, American studies and foreign language education.

简介:张欣,广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院教授、院长、博士生导师、博士后合作导师、校学术委员会委员、校欧美同学会(留学人员联谊会)副会长、Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature (A&HCI)编委、《广东外语外贸大学学报》编委。兼任中国英汉语比较研究会英语教学研究分会副会长、(中国)中外语言文化比较学会戏剧研究专业委员会副会长、中国高校外语学科发展联盟外国文学跨学科研究委员会专家委员、广东省本科高校外语类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员、英语专业分委员会主任委员、广东省外国文学学会常务理事等。“双万计划”国家级一流英语专业建设点负责人。广东省《英美文学》教学团队及一流课程负责人。主要研究领域为西方戏剧和叙事学,承担并完成相关领域国家级和省部级项目多项,多篇论文刊于A&HCICSSCI索引期刊,部分被人大复印资料全文转载。

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